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When an administrator leaves your organization, follow best practices to delete their admin account while maintaining security of your Google Workspace account.

For users who have an administrator account and a separate user account, you can delete only their administrator account. If the person is leaving your organization, you delete both accounts. Learn more about revoking admin privileges.

Delete an admin account #

Recommend steps to delete an administrator account and maintain the security of your organization’s Google Workspace account:

You must be signed in as a super administrator for this task.

  1. Suspend the user’s administrator account.
    While their account is suspended, the user can’t access the Admin console and Google services.
  2. Before you delete the account, follow best practices to maintain data security.
  3. (Optional) In the Google Admin console, review the Admin Report under the Audit category and filter for the admin’s name to identify possible unauthorized actions. Learn more
  4. Remove the administrator role from the user.
  5. Follow the steps to delete the user’s account from your organization.

Note for super admin accounts

If you delete a user’s account without removing their super admin role: On the Roles page, Super AdminView admins shows the old account as “undefined”.

To remove undefined roles:

  1. Click Manage Assignments
  2. Click Remove Deleted Accounts

admin role delete screenshot

Related topics #

  • Protect administrator accounts
  • Revoke admin privileges
  • View a user’s roles and privileges
  • Delete or remove a user from your organization